Skeeter (Emma Stone) returns home to Jackson Mississippi, after graduating from college determined to become a writer. Life in a small town in 1963 is hard for a career woman, so she got a great idea for a book to write an expose on the life of the help. Skeeter decided to interview her best friend, a black maid and write the story from the help point of view, as they take care of prominent southern families. Aibileen (Viola Davis) was the first of the help to open up to skeeter but not at first, she knew she can get in to a lot of trouble just for socializing with a white woman. So in secret she told her story but the rest of the black community didn't want nothing to do with the project, then Minny Jackson (Octavia Spencer) joined the collaboration and soon more women tired of the treatment they were getting, came together to tell their stories, and as it turn out they had a lot to say about what went on in the homes of their bosses. After their book was publish a unlikely friendship emerges from these three ladies, forcing this small town to face the facts that time were changing.
The Help is a beautifully writing, directed and casted movie. Directed by Tate Taylor who made a strong poignant film, that was at time hard to see without getting emotional. The blatant discrimination back in the 1960's was very difficult to watch, but to be able to tell the story as hard as it was back then, it will move you to tears, and laughter too. I predict that this film and some of it stars will have "OSCAR" nominations, as they deserve it so.
I give this movie 5 Stars.