Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) is an ex-cop who became an escape fugitive on the run. Soon Nick threatens to jump off the ledge of a busy downtown Manhattan hotel. As the police and crowds gather underneath the building, Nick requests to speak to police negotiator Lydia Mercer (Elizabeth Banks) to tell his story. The more Nick tells his side to Officer Mercer, the more she realized that he may be innocent and that he may also have an ulterior motive for being on the ledge.
Man on a Ledge is an action pack thrill ride that will keep you guessing and wanting more. With unseen suspense, twists and turns, this movie will surprise you. You think a movie of a man on a ledge will be boring, but this movie director by Asger Leth will thrill you until the very end. A MUST SEE MOVIE!!!!
I give this movie 4 ½ Stars.