Donny (Adam Sandler) a middle school student is seduced by his hot teacher Miss Mary McGarricle (Eva Amurri Martino) who got pregnant, leaving Donny a single father. Donny had to raise his son Todd (Andy Samberg) until his 18th birthday, when he detached himself from Donny. After years Donny is force to locate his son, but timing could not be worse, because it's Todd wedding weekend and Donny is the last person he wants to see.
That’s my boy is directed by Sean Anders who is known for”Hot Tub, Time Machine” and “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”. As silly as this movie is, you will enjoy it. That’s my boy has special cameo from Vanilla ice and Todd Bridges, you will be astonished that at the end of this movie you're still laughing.
I give this movie 3 1/2 Stars.