Writer Eddie Morra(Bradley Cooper) is hit with writer block for weeks, unable to focus Eddie, run into an old friend Vernon(Johnny Whitworth) who introduces him to MDT a experimental drug that allow him to use 100 percent of his brain. The pill makes you focus to your surrounding and ables you to learn at a fast capacity, anything you have seen, hear or even touch you learn immediately within hours or a few days. Soon Eddie was taking Wall Street by storm, attracting the attending of mega-mogul Carl Van Loon(Robert De Niro), who uses Eddie's ability to make billions. Eddie is in jeopardy for his life, with a mysterious stalker chasing him, ruthless gangster wanting his pills and the brutal side effects of MDT jeopardizing his life.
Directed by Neil Burger from the Illusionist this action thriller, is a look inside of what is possible if you can use your brain to it 100% capacity. The power, the ability would be unbelievable. This movie ask the question and you leave answering the question. Everyone will enjoy it.
I give this movie 3 1/2 Stars.
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