Monday, December 28, 2009

The Passing of Brittany Murphy

Actress Brittany Murphy died on December 20, 2009 at age 32. This amazing free spirited actress who is best known for her films like "Clueless" and "8 Miles". Brittany Murphy apparently died of natural cause; an autopsy showed no signs of foul play or trauma, but coroner are still waiting for toxicology report that can take a few weeks to release, to clarify the cause of death. The police revisit the actress home to investigate and found in the actress bedroom approximately 10 prescription drugs including; "Topamax (Anti-seizure), Methylprednisolone (Anti-inflammatory), Flouxetine (Depression), Klonopin (Anxiety), Carbamazepine (Diabetic medication), Ativan (Anxiety), Vicoprofen (Pain), Propranolol (Hypertension) and vitamins" TMZ reported the findings. The star's funeral was held at the famous Los Angeles Forest Lawn Memorial.

Brittany Murphy legacy will live on in her films that includes; "Across the Hall" with Mike Vogal, "Happy Feet', "Sin City", and "Girl, Interrupted with Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder. Friends and Family described Brittany Murphy as loving and passionate person. Brittany once was quoted saying in a interview with E entertainment show "I want to act for the rest of my life". A brilliant performer and a spectacular person, Brittany Murphy left too soon and millions of her fans will miss her tremendously.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Men Who Stare At Goats

Reporter Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) is in search for a big story when he encounters Lyn Cassady ( George Clooney) a special force operate who claims to have psychic powers. The special unit "The new earth army" program founder Bill Diango (Jeff Bridges) has gone missing and it up to Casssady to find him, but little does Cassady knows that the trail he's following will lead to another fellow psychic soldier who has distorted the mission to serve his own agenda.

This dark comedy is based on a real life story and is directed by Grant Heslov. This movie is interesting and smart, though there are some parts that drag, overall I did enjoy myself.

I give this movie 3 stars.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dominican Star in Hollywood

When I decided to look into the heritage of some of the stars in Hollywood, I felt that I knew who they were; little did I know that some of our most popular TV and movies star are of Dominican descent like me. Therefore, I started my investigation into Hollywood a little closer; during my research, I was very surprised at my findings, that many of the successful actors in hollywood had been born, in Dominican Republic or their parents originated from the island. as our new generation of up-and-coming talents spill onto the streets of Hollywood, I wanted to see more proficient work given to my fellow Dominicans. I can not only identify with what Hollywood classifies Dominicans as; drug dealers, housekeepers, and spouse abusers in these isolated terms. By Hollywood, standards there are stereotypical portrayals in the movie and TV when it comes to Dominicans; other cultures may feel that we can play only these parts and to some extent that is all. This could not be furthest from the truth.

The presence of Dominicans in Hollywood rangers far across the cultural spectrum. My people come in a variety of colors from white complexion with blue eyes, Indian complexion with dark eyes, to black complexion with an Afro. Indians originally inhabited the small island from different tribes before the Spaniards invaded it and resided on the island with their African slaves. So why is it that if we have a variety of looks and features, we are usually portrayed the same way in Hollywood? Most people are not aware, but there are a few prominent actors of Dominican descent in Hollywood today. Zoe Saldana, star of the hit movie "Guess Who?" with Bernie mac and Ashton Kutcher, born in New York City but raised in Dominican Republic until she was 17 years old. Miguel A. Nunez Jr., star of the hit movie "Juwanna Mann", is of Dominican descent; although he is mostly well known for portraying African-American roles. The same is true in the case of Alfonso Ribeiro, whose parents are Dominican, and they immigrated to the United States. Alfonso is also well known for his role as cousin "Carlton Banks" from the NBC hit show "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". Another performer of mixed origins is Michelle Rodriguez from the hit movie "Fast and the Furious" who is Dominican and Puerto Rico. Judy Reyes, who plays Carla Espinosa, from "Scrub" grow up in the bronx, and attent the same high school as that I did, John F. Kennedy H.S. And Dania Ramirez, who can be seen in the hit movie "X-Men 3: The Last Stand", represent the next generation of Dominican actors making their mark in Tinseltown.

However, Hollywood is not the only invasion that up and coming talented Dominicans are making themselves known in. Fashion has one of the five best internationally recognized designer in the world in Oscar de la Renta. Born in Dominican Republic, he left the island at age 18 to pursue his career in the United States.

Dominican have always made their presence known in sports, with the most popular, being baseball. However, more and more Dominicans are branching out to other sports like Francisco Garcia who plays for the NBA Sacramento Kings, and even the NFL has a few Dominican players such as defensive tackle Luis Castillo from the San Diago Chargers.
Historically, we Dominicans did not have a major participation in politics in the United States, but times are charging. We currently have no Dominicans representing us in the House of Representatives, but we are now finally coming out swinging in the political arena with representatives including Guillermo Linares Commissioner of Immigrant Affair of the City of New York, Councilman Miguel Martinez and Councilwoman Diana Reyna.

Dominicans can be credited with a variety of achievements in many fields, but look closely as we are making permanent footprints in every region of the world, from Entertainment to Capital Hill, and you never know someday in the White House itself. Dominicans in the United States are realizing that with every step forward, we leaves imprints behind. Even coming from a small island, we have giants talents.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Law Abiding Citizen

Clyde Sheldon (Gerald Butler) is a talented inventor of gadgets, and one evening two unmask robber invaded his home and in front of him brutally kills his wife and young daughter and seriously injuring Clyde in the process. The killers are eventually caught and the assistant DA Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx) is assigned the case. Nick makes a deal with the actual killer for his testimony against his partner to get the death penalty while the other killer gets 10 yrs and then is release from prison. Clyde anger about the injustice set in motion plans to right the wrong that was done on his family, he starts killing everyone that had anything to do with the case. Clyde gets arrested for torturing and killing the killer, even from jail, Clyde threats becomes reality, and it up to Nick to stop Clyde before his family is next to die.

This high impact film has a little bit of something for everyone: suspense, surprise, thrill, same gore, and Gerald Butler partial nudity. It a must-see!

I give this movie 4 Stars.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story

The new Michael Moore film Capitalim: A Love Story show the issues he's been uncovering and the impact of corporate dominance on the everyday people living in America. Michael Moore visits Middle America, to the very halls of capital hill ending at Wall Street, using humor and outrageous antics to prove his point. This movie doesn't hold back punches, it shows how everyone is been effected, from the ghettos of Detroit to the farmlands of Minnesota. Moore, demonstrate how the American dream of owning your own home has turn into a nightmare, and pointing out how we could had avoid this. Michael Moore has once again forced us to take a long hard look in the mirror, that if we don't learn from our mistake "we are bound to repeat it". This fantastic, amazing movie is a right out bold illustrious film in his collection.

I give this movie 5 Stars.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Remember my name, Fame! School is back with a crop of new students, more talented than ever before. We are now following a group of inspiring N.Y.C talented students attending the New York City H.S for the performing Arts, training these students in perfecting their specialty in music, dancing and singing, in order to become successfully performers. Wondering, if the movie was going to live-up to the expectation of the original movie version from back in 1980, and to my surprise it does. Gambling on complete unknown students not for long with big talents, but having the teachers who are all well known to everyone? Debbie Allen (plays principal Simms), Kelsey Grammer (plays Joel Cranston music teacher), Megan Mullally (plays Fran Rowans singing teacher), Bebe Neuwirth (plays Lynn Kraft dance teacher) and Charles S. Dutton (plays Alvin Dowd drama teacher) with a cast set like this, you don't need well known students.

Well-written storyline, written by Allison Burnett and Christopher Gore and the Directed by Kevin Trancharoen, you leave the theater dancing in the aisle.

I give this movie 4 1/2 Stars.


Two-crew member of the Elysium ship, awaken from a hyper-sleep to realize that they are alone at first, but slowly hearing low sounds coming from the bottom of the ship. They can't remember anything; who they are and what's their mission? Lt. Payton (Dennis Quaid) decided to stay behind and guide Cpl. Bower (Ben Foster) by a transmitting radio in order to reach the transformer station to turn the power back on. Throughout his ordeal, Bower comes across other survival on the ship. A shocking deadly secret are begin to reveals itself, more dangerous than anyone could imagined. Mutants creatures are on board the ship and trying to kill them.

Straight to the point, this movie is a cheap duplication of the "Alien" sequels movies, without originality, this movie make a great video game and that is all.

I give this movie 1 1/2 Stars.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Jennifer's Body

Jennifer Check (Megan Fox) is the sexiest most popular girl in school, envied by all the girls who wants to be her, and desired by all the guys who wants to date her. Jennifer's bff Needy (Amanda Seyfried),have been friends since childhood and the only person Jennifer truly trust, despite Needy's nerdy looks compare to Jennifer, their bond is close and it not hard to understand why their friends. There relationship changes when Jennifer takes Needy to see her favorite indie rock group called Low Shoulder at the local tavern bar in town. Later that night, a devastating fire at the bar where the group was performing killing 13 people, in their small town of Devil's Kettle. Lead singer Nikolai (Adam Brody) convinced Jennifer to accompany the group for a ride into town and to ditch Needy immediately after the accident. Jennifer finds out quickly that the group is not what they seem, and that they all worshipers of Satan; everything goes wrong for Jennifer after that, chaos and mayhem follows her and the boys in town.

This dark comedy written by Diablo Cody is another example of her unique prospected in life. Well written and cast perfectly, this is a must see movie.

I give this movie 4 Stars.

Bright Star

Fanny Brawne (Abbie Cornish) an out-spoken fashion designer wannabe in London 1818, falls in love with the gifted poet John Keats (Ben Whishaw). The unlikely couple began there secret, but very much passionate love affair. Their love is very much disapprove by John's best friend Charles Brown (Paul Schneider) who feels that Fanny is a distraction to John's work and also she only interested in flirting and titillating the men in town, and not truly in love with John.

This movie is the adaptation about the very short lived, but truly long lasting love between John and Fanny. The movie does drag in some parts, but you leave the theater seeing what real love is and their undying love for each other.

I give this movie 3 1/2 Stars.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sorority Row

5 sorority sister are playing a practical joke on Danny (Adam Berry) who cheated on their sister Megan (Audrina Patridge), the prank goes out of control when Megan accidentally gets killed. A pact was made to keep the secret, but a year later after the girls graduates college a killer seeks revenge on the sorority sisters, mayhem takes over and many must die.

Sorority row can be described with just two words. Can you say "Movie Cliche"? This movie is one part "Scream" and two parts "I know what you did last summer" toss in hot sexy college girls half dressed and you have the recipe for guys dream scenarios. This movie doesn't promise anything and it delivers what it promise nothing.
I give this movie 2 Stars.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Mourning The Passing Of DJ AM

After the sudden passing of Adam "DJ AM" Goldstein Friday afternoon on August 28,2009 in his Soho apartment in New York City. Shock spread throughout L.A when we heard the news. DJ AM had been settling in a more stable life, he was dating at the time of death model Hayley Wood. After DJ AM and close friend Travis Barker the drummer from "Blink-182" survived their near death experience last year in September, when their plane crashed in South Carolina killing 4 others onboard. Unfortunately, this wasn't his first brush with death; back in his early 20's he attempted suicide unsuccessfully when his gun malfunctioned. Now he has succeeded in what he had failed before, after the toxicology came back this week DJ AM died of an overdose of 9 Oxycontin pills found in his system and also found empty bags of crack cocaine underneath his body, he was only 36 years old.

At the time of his death he was working on an MTV show about drug addiction scheduled to debut in October. We will have to wait and see if MTV will air the show as a tribute to DJ AM, dedicating his final project to his family, friends, and fans that truly will miss this talented man.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Joel, (Jason Bateman) is the owner of an extract plant, trying to balance a business he's grown tired of, a personal life with a wife that won't give him any sex, and employees that takes advantage of him. Joel spends a lot of time hanging out at his friend's bar. Dean (Ben Afflleck) is a hippie looking, pill popping, pot smoking bad influence in Joel life but with his best interest at heart. Dean is always trying to get Joel to loosen up and is always offering him pills or pot as Dean says, "it'll make you feel better". Now more then ever Joel is stressed out about the pending lawsuit after Step (Clifton Collins Jr.) the floor manager in training at his plant suffers a serious injury in a freak accident that causes him to lose a testicle. Step's story is all over the news when Cindy (Mila Kunis) a beautiful con artist sets up a scam to meet Step and seduce him for his lawsuit money. Joel has chaos happening all around him, but especially at home with his wife Susie (Kristen Wiig) who at exactly 7 pm everyday she put on her sweat pants which mean NO SEX for Joel.

This seriously funny, smart comedy will have you on the edge of your seat. Written and Directed by Mike Judge, who has truly captured this year best film. Films like this one make you think, and with an amazing cast, you can't help but to fall in love with all the characters. I can't wait to see it again and again.

I give this movie 5 Stars.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jennifer Lopez: Getting Back to Basic

The famous actress, singer, record producer, dancer, fashion designer, and now you can add television producer to her credits. We can only be speaking about Jennifer Lopez. This remarkable woman from South Bronx, New York always knew that she was going to end-up in the entertainment industry, but never knew the capacity of her talents.

As a child growing up in the Bronx, she attends an all girl catholic school, always having that fire for dancing and acting inside of her. Taking dance classes at the local YMCA, she kept up with the new dances styles at local New York City clubs. She never dreamt the extent her talents would take her.

Jennifer Lopez the actress debut in 1987, as Myra in "My Little Girl" starring Mary Stuart Masterson. Her role was small, but it made a big impact in what she wanted to do. After several audition, she landed a dance gig, as a regular "Fly Girl" in the comedy show "In Living Color". Now after numerous successful movie under her belt, she on location filming her new romantic comedy " The Back-Up Plan" co-starring Alex O'Laughlin coming out January 2010. Jennifer said "I love working on new projects, and this film in particular because my two beautiful children are on set with me, I feel more at ease when I am with them." Jennifer seems over the moon every time she talks about her children, and spending time with them. Jennifer gave birth back in February 2008, to fraternal twins Emma and Maximilian "Max" who she had with husband Latin singer Marc Anthony.

J.LO is also back with this new track, and it HOT! I cannot wait to hear more from her. Jennifer new album; "Hooked On You" which has been circulating on the Internet with great reviews. Jennifer said ,"I'm always excited about my music, "Hooked On You" is one of a few tracks I'm currently working on. I am flattered by everyone's interest in the track and really excited for you to hear the real thing!" This is Jennifer's 7th album since her debut back in 1999.

This entrepreneur also has her clothing line "Sweetface" and her endless fragrances products on the market today. Jennifer Lopez is a portrait of talent, strength and beauty, wrapped around a very savvy businesswoman worth millions. She has shown that it doesn't matter where your from, but what's inside of you that counts. Jennifer Lopez has proven that with hard work and dedication, a young woman from the ghetto can conquer the world.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Fall Schedule Line-up for 2009

What HOT and what NOT? The 2009 new fall line-up from the network are in, 25 new show are ready to be unleash and they are.

ABC: Castle, Shark Tank, The Forgotten, Hank, The Middle, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Eastwick, and Flashforward.

CBS: Accidentally on Purpose, NCIS-LA, The Goodwife, and Three Rivers.

CW: Melrose Place, The Beautiful Life, and Vampire Diaries.

FOX: Glee, Brothers, The Cleveland Show, And American Dad.

NBC: Trauma, Jay Leno, Mercy, Community, and Southland.

I can predict that a third of this year new show will be cancel halfway through the season. Some of the new series are good, but the rest are just recycling storyline. Which one will make it, only you can decide? It always the same, they start strong and then fizzle out halfway through.

I have reviewed a couple of the new show from each network.

CW Network has 3 new show premiering

"Vampire Diaries" Thursday at 8pm.

The Vampire Diaries is base on the series of books by the same name. This is a show about a 17 yrs old Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) and her 15 yrs old brother Jeremy (Steven McQueen) who lost their parents in a tragic car accident. While the sibling try to deal with their lost, and life after their parent death. A handsome and mysterious new student Stefan (Paul Wesley)moves to there small home town in Mystic Falls, Virgina. Elena feels a immediate connection to Stefan.

(This show will have the appeal from the Twilight movie audience, so that will be the reason why this show will be a hit.)

"Melrose Place" Tuesday at 9pm.

Guess whose back! You got it, Melrose place is making it return, with some new members and some familiar faces. Sydney Andrew (Laura Leighton) and Dr. Michael Mancini (Thomas Calabo) from the original series are back with more drama, fighting, sex and everything in between. Sydney is the landlady of the apartment complex were stylish 20-something people lives.

(All you can say is drama, drama, drama. This will not be better then the original, but it will create a new group following. This show will be a hit for CW.)

FOX Network has 4 new shows premiering.

"Glee" Wednesday at 9pm.

Glee is about a group of high school misfits, who is in the glee club lead by teacher Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison). Mr. Schuester must find a male singer. He hears the football quarterback Finn (Cory Monteith) singing in the boys locker room shower. Now he needs to convince Finn to join the club.

(This is high school musical but with a twist. Glee has a collection of wonderful talented group of young people. A hit for fox "I'm a glee".)

"Brother" Fridays at 8pm.

Brother starring Michael Straham as (Mike) a former NFL player who live the good life, until his business manager took off with all his money leaving Mike broke. Having to return home after his bother Chill (Daryl "Chill" Mitchell) was in a horrific car accident leaving him in a wheelchair. Sibling rivalry,opinionated father, and a saucy mother spells dysfunctional.

(This show has possibility, but it may not have the audition it need to keep it going, we have to wait and see.)

CBS Network has 5 new shows premiering.

"Accidentally on Purpose" Monday at 8:30pm.

This new sitcom starring Jenna Elfman is about an entertainment journalist who after one night of drunken partying hooks-up with a unsuccessful loafer. Later, she find out that she is pregnant, and what is she's going to do. Getting advice from her friend Olivia (Ashley Jensen) she decide to keep the baby and try to have a relationship with Zack (Jon Foster).

(If this show sound familiar it because of the similarities to the hit movie "Knock-Up". This show has big possibilities. CBS was smart in placing it between there best show "How I met your mother" and "Two and half men". They have a hit.)

ABC Network has 9 new show premiering.

"Shark Tank" Tuesday at 8pm.

Shark Tank is a adaptation of the U.K show "Dragon Den" were a group of multi-millionaires, who invest there own money on regular people with good inventions. The panel will either make an offer to invest or pass on it.

(I have a funny feeling that this show, just like other adaptation from the U.K will not go over smoothly, I give this show half a season.)

NBC Network has 5 new show premiering.

"Community" Thursday at 9:30pm.

This show is about a group of misfits college students attending Greendale Community College. The head of the group is Jeff Winger(Joel McHale) a lawyer whose degree has been revoked. With some help from his fellow class mates Jeff forms a group study. Experiencing some fun mix with mayhem on campus.

(This is a funny comedy sitcom, it a hit with good company in the line-up with "The Office" and "3rd Rock".)

And our favorites will be returning for another season.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Proposal

The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, was a charming breath of fresh air. The character Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) "please don't call her Maggie"! is a neurotic, workaholic with no personal social life; she is the editor-in-chief of a Publishing Company. Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds)is a loyal assistant to Margaret who he silently hates with a passion. When Margaret was call to a meet at the bosses office, she did not imagine what was waiting for her. She was stun to hear the news that she was being deported back to Canada.

As she was disgusting the news and trying to understand the dilemma. Andrew, looking for her knock on the door to give Margaret her messages. At that moment she concocted a lie that she was secretly engage to her assistant Andrew. Shacking Andrew and unable for him to speak, her boss just advice her to get hitch quickly. Later, Margaret bribed Andrew to go along with the charade by promising him a promotion. Relentedly, he agree. At the licensing department the immigration agent was waiting for them; tip by someone at work. He advice that the penalty for committing fraud was imprisonment for Andrew and a one way trip back to Canada for Margaret. Andrew continue with the plans and declare his love for her. Margaret informed the agent about the plans to see Andrew parents and give them the good news; at Andrew grandma Annie (Betty White) 85th birthday party in Sitka, Alaska. Andrew knew that the deal had change after leaving the office of the agent. He will only continue with the lie if she also publish his novel as well as the promotion to editor. And now the fun begins.

Grace Paxton (Mary Steenburgen) and Joe Paxton (Craig T. Nelson) give a fantastic performance; and the legendary (Betty White) as loveable grandma Annie steals the movie and your heart.

The director Annie Fletcher has a keen eye for romantic comedy, and the writer Pete Chiarelli is in touch with his inner-emotion. This film has a little something for everyone.

I give it 4 1/2 Stars.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Fantastic! When I went to see Bandslam, I had low expectation. I thought not another band movie. How surprised I was, when this delightful gem unfolded in front of me. Will Burton (Gaelan Connell) the new kid in town, painfully shy and obsessed with contacting David Bowie his idol. Charlotte Banks (Aly Michalka) a popular cheerleader who dropped everyone she knew to become different, more edgier version of herself. Sa5m (Vanessa Hudgens) "the 5 is silent" in her name, is a lone wolf searching for herself and finding friends along the way.

Karen Burton (Lisa Kudrow) is Will's mom, she loves him unconditionally, but can't understand why his peers don't see, what she see's in him. Karen decided to move to Lodi, New Jersey to help her sister with her business. Will who's been wishing to leave the small town that he lives in, at first he was ecstatic to hear the news. But then he ponders about the move and starting over. Shortly after arriving to the new school Will is in the cafeteria notices Sa5m sitting alone reading a book. At the same time Charlotte see's Will and is curious about the new boy. Later that day, Charlotte spotted Will doing a good deed for a stranger and decided to drag him in to the after-school daycare class she volunteer in and after talking to him she realizes that Will is very knowledgeable in music. Charlotte convinces Will to manage her band so they can compete and win the "Bandslam" contest. Which is more popular then sports in New Jersey? The story build up from there.

The chemistry of the cast was well displayed. The two writers Josh A. Cagan and Todd Graff had a specific idea. Mr. Graff who is also the director made sure that this film was not stereotypical movie. And by-gosh the seceded. This is not a cookie-cutter version of a band movie; this is a unique blend of music as the characters themselves. Stand up and dance because you will.

I give this 4 1/2 Stars.

The Ugly Truth

Where can I start with this movie? It isn't pretty. The two lead characters Abby (Katherine Heigl) is a neurotic, stubborn, frigid woman; who is the producer of a local T.V. talk-show. Mike (Gerald Butler) has a caveman-like personality which he displaces on his cable access show, with an overactive libido that does all his thinking. Mike has nothing good to say about women on his show. In generals, you wonder who broke his heart, stomped on it, and then tossed it up in the air like confetti.

The couple's chemistry was laughable. As you end up totally disliking Abby and feeling sorry for Mike. You end up not caring if they end up together or stay alone. The true scene-stealer was their two co-stars Cheryl Hines and John Michael Higgins, who I wish had more scene time. They played the two married co-host of the morning talk-show produced by Abby.

The only two memorable scene between Abby and Mike were the orgasm and masturbation scenes. This was clearly a tribute to "When Harry met Sally". The restaurant scene with the vibrator underwear was a funny twist, and the baseball masturbation scene that allow me to tolerate this film. This is a dismal try to create a good romantic comedy. Please try again!!!

I give this movie 2 1/2 stars.

Introducing A Star In The Making, Steven Strait

When I decided to start this article and introduce, new up and coming actors from films and T.V. I wonder who could be my first project. Unexpectedly this surprising gem come my way. His name is Steven Strait, you may not have heard of him, but he has done a few movies. I wanted my reader to know a little more about this remarkable man, talents. Steven Strait was born and raised in Greenwich Village, New York City. As a child, he attended P.S 3, Xavier High School and took some classes at the Stella Adler studio of acting. During his teens years, Steven began to appear in magazine ads for L'uomo Vogue, Spoon, Pop,Details, and Hollister CO. He worked with world-renowned photographers: Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, and Ellen Von Unwerth to name a few.

Bitten by the acting bug, Steven interest in acting grew at a young age, but not without a little nudge from his family. In the sixth grade, he started taking classes at the Village Community School. Stumbling in to it at first, Steven found passion for the craft. In 2004, he moved from New York City to California to pursue acting full-time.

After numerous auditions, Steven got his big break in 2005, his first movie debut in, "Sky High" he played a misunderstood teen superhero name Warren Peace. In addition, it was in that movie that Steven discovers his second passion, music. He sang the song "One thing leads to another" by the Fixx, for the movie soundtrack. His talent for singing didn't end there, a few years later he started singing with the band "Invidia", which means("envy" in Spanish), a death metal band from New York City. But unfortunately for him, the members remove him from the group when they convey, that Steven vocal style no longer blend well with the rest of the group. Steven next endeavor, he appeared in the romantic/comedy "Undiscovered" he played a singer/songwriter who has been toiling for years without a record deal, starring Ashlee Simpson. This movie gave the industry the chance to take notice of his talent. In 2006, he had landed the starring role in this horror/thriller the "Covenant" as Caleb Danver a warlock, who is an immediate descended of the Salem witch clan. After the leading role in the "Covenant", Steven next gig was in 2008, with an epic movie in the action/adventure "10,000 BC" about a prehistoric caveman hunter trying to find his true love who's been kidnapped and traded in to slavery, played by Camilla Belle. Steven next project, that same year was the war drama "Stop-Loss" in a cameo role as Michael Colson starring Ryan Phillippe. Now, Steven latest role in 2009, is the off beat comedy "City Island"as Tony Nardella and starring Andy Garcia.

Not wanting to divulge to much in Steven personal life, but this would not be a complete introduction if the main question on everyone mind, is not answer. Is Steven Strait single or married? Sorry everyone but the sexy 6'2 man is married to fellow actress Lynn Collins. They Started dating back in 2006. In 2008, after a short engagement they were married.

Steven Strait has shown diversity in his acting ability. He started as a young boy with big talents. Who has mature into a handsome man with passion to match. Steven Strait is one of Hollywood stars in the making.

Roxie tells all

On this blog, I will introduce new up and coming actors from film and T.V. This is in view to all the magazine, that is out there. In one contain format I want to answer all your questions. Please if you want for me to interview your favorite performers, let me know.