Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Fall Schedule Line-up for 2009

What HOT and what NOT? The 2009 new fall line-up from the network are in, 25 new show are ready to be unleash and they are.

ABC: Castle, Shark Tank, The Forgotten, Hank, The Middle, Modern Family, Cougar Town, Eastwick, and Flashforward.

CBS: Accidentally on Purpose, NCIS-LA, The Goodwife, and Three Rivers.

CW: Melrose Place, The Beautiful Life, and Vampire Diaries.

FOX: Glee, Brothers, The Cleveland Show, And American Dad.

NBC: Trauma, Jay Leno, Mercy, Community, and Southland.

I can predict that a third of this year new show will be cancel halfway through the season. Some of the new series are good, but the rest are just recycling storyline. Which one will make it, only you can decide? It always the same, they start strong and then fizzle out halfway through.

I have reviewed a couple of the new show from each network.

CW Network has 3 new show premiering

"Vampire Diaries" Thursday at 8pm.

The Vampire Diaries is base on the series of books by the same name. This is a show about a 17 yrs old Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev) and her 15 yrs old brother Jeremy (Steven McQueen) who lost their parents in a tragic car accident. While the sibling try to deal with their lost, and life after their parent death. A handsome and mysterious new student Stefan (Paul Wesley)moves to there small home town in Mystic Falls, Virgina. Elena feels a immediate connection to Stefan.

(This show will have the appeal from the Twilight movie audience, so that will be the reason why this show will be a hit.)

"Melrose Place" Tuesday at 9pm.

Guess whose back! You got it, Melrose place is making it return, with some new members and some familiar faces. Sydney Andrew (Laura Leighton) and Dr. Michael Mancini (Thomas Calabo) from the original series are back with more drama, fighting, sex and everything in between. Sydney is the landlady of the apartment complex were stylish 20-something people lives.

(All you can say is drama, drama, drama. This will not be better then the original, but it will create a new group following. This show will be a hit for CW.)

FOX Network has 4 new shows premiering.

"Glee" Wednesday at 9pm.

Glee is about a group of high school misfits, who is in the glee club lead by teacher Will Schuester (Matthew Morrison). Mr. Schuester must find a male singer. He hears the football quarterback Finn (Cory Monteith) singing in the boys locker room shower. Now he needs to convince Finn to join the club.

(This is high school musical but with a twist. Glee has a collection of wonderful talented group of young people. A hit for fox "I'm a glee".)

"Brother" Fridays at 8pm.

Brother starring Michael Straham as (Mike) a former NFL player who live the good life, until his business manager took off with all his money leaving Mike broke. Having to return home after his bother Chill (Daryl "Chill" Mitchell) was in a horrific car accident leaving him in a wheelchair. Sibling rivalry,opinionated father, and a saucy mother spells dysfunctional.

(This show has possibility, but it may not have the audition it need to keep it going, we have to wait and see.)

CBS Network has 5 new shows premiering.

"Accidentally on Purpose" Monday at 8:30pm.

This new sitcom starring Jenna Elfman is about an entertainment journalist who after one night of drunken partying hooks-up with a unsuccessful loafer. Later, she find out that she is pregnant, and what is she's going to do. Getting advice from her friend Olivia (Ashley Jensen) she decide to keep the baby and try to have a relationship with Zack (Jon Foster).

(If this show sound familiar it because of the similarities to the hit movie "Knock-Up". This show has big possibilities. CBS was smart in placing it between there best show "How I met your mother" and "Two and half men". They have a hit.)

ABC Network has 9 new show premiering.

"Shark Tank" Tuesday at 8pm.

Shark Tank is a adaptation of the U.K show "Dragon Den" were a group of multi-millionaires, who invest there own money on regular people with good inventions. The panel will either make an offer to invest or pass on it.

(I have a funny feeling that this show, just like other adaptation from the U.K will not go over smoothly, I give this show half a season.)

NBC Network has 5 new show premiering.

"Community" Thursday at 9:30pm.

This show is about a group of misfits college students attending Greendale Community College. The head of the group is Jeff Winger(Joel McHale) a lawyer whose degree has been revoked. With some help from his fellow class mates Jeff forms a group study. Experiencing some fun mix with mayhem on campus.

(This is a funny comedy sitcom, it a hit with good company in the line-up with "The Office" and "3rd Rock".)

And our favorites will be returning for another season.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Proposal

The Proposal starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, was a charming breath of fresh air. The character Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) "please don't call her Maggie"! is a neurotic, workaholic with no personal social life; she is the editor-in-chief of a Publishing Company. Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds)is a loyal assistant to Margaret who he silently hates with a passion. When Margaret was call to a meet at the bosses office, she did not imagine what was waiting for her. She was stun to hear the news that she was being deported back to Canada.

As she was disgusting the news and trying to understand the dilemma. Andrew, looking for her knock on the door to give Margaret her messages. At that moment she concocted a lie that she was secretly engage to her assistant Andrew. Shacking Andrew and unable for him to speak, her boss just advice her to get hitch quickly. Later, Margaret bribed Andrew to go along with the charade by promising him a promotion. Relentedly, he agree. At the licensing department the immigration agent was waiting for them; tip by someone at work. He advice that the penalty for committing fraud was imprisonment for Andrew and a one way trip back to Canada for Margaret. Andrew continue with the plans and declare his love for her. Margaret informed the agent about the plans to see Andrew parents and give them the good news; at Andrew grandma Annie (Betty White) 85th birthday party in Sitka, Alaska. Andrew knew that the deal had change after leaving the office of the agent. He will only continue with the lie if she also publish his novel as well as the promotion to editor. And now the fun begins.

Grace Paxton (Mary Steenburgen) and Joe Paxton (Craig T. Nelson) give a fantastic performance; and the legendary (Betty White) as loveable grandma Annie steals the movie and your heart.

The director Annie Fletcher has a keen eye for romantic comedy, and the writer Pete Chiarelli is in touch with his inner-emotion. This film has a little something for everyone.

I give it 4 1/2 Stars.