Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Now You See Me

After a group of illusionist team up to become the world famous 4 horsemens, they pull-off an unreal illusion by performing a heist live from Las Vegas to Paris in 5 mins and rewarding the audience with millions of dollars they just stoled. How did they do it, ask the FBI and interpol who are investigationing the case. And now, the chase is on.

Now you see me is an action packed film with incredible illusions, twists and turns that you really don't see coming. A wonderful cast and a real underdog storyline makes this movie worth the admission. After seeing this film I want to see it  again and again, loved it.

I   give this movie 5 Stars.

The Great Gatsby

The Classic novel from F. Scott Fitzgerald was transformed into this adaptation about the mysterious Jay Gatsby (Leo DiCaprio) who's secrets and obsession has taken over him, while befriending his neighbor Nick Carraway (Tobey Maguire) a man who is  lured to Gatsby's world. But everything that glitters isn't gold and that's a lesson that Nick will learn.

This version of The Great Gatsby is absolutely fantastic from the storyline, to the costumes and the music. The shock is that Jay-Z is credited as an executive producer, surprising that a novel that most of us read in high school was capture so profundity, this is "A MUST SEE FILM".

I give this movie 5 Stars.