Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Iceman

The iceman is based on a true story of the most notorious hitman, Richard Kiklinski who was arrested back in 1986 for the murder of over 100 people between the 60's through the 80's. The story is about Kiklinski's relationship with his family and his professional hitman job and how he tries to never cross the two.

This film is outstanding, the storyline is superb, the depth that this movie take you it leave you complexed because even though Richard Kiklinski was a ice cold killer he had a deep profound love for his family, and it's a side of the coin that you may sympathize with. Micheal Shannon embodied the charactor of the iceman as if he was born to play the role. I love this dark horse of a movie, and I hope that an oscar will be in the picture.

I give this movie 5 Stars.

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